How to Contact WordPress Customer Service

February 16, 2018

Did you find this article because you Googled “How to Contact WordPress Customer Service”? We’re glad you’re here!

To answer your question directly, WordPress is free and an open source CMS which means that there is no customer service number. It would be nearly impossible for WordPress to provide that type of support.

What is open source software?

Open source software is like receiving a box of ingredients compared to an already cooked meal. Blue Apron, anyone? When you dine at a restaurant, you might be able to take a guess at what spices or seasonings are included in the dish but you won’t know the exact recipe unless you watch the chef in the kitchen.

With open source software, the source code (or ingredients) are included in the package but what you decide to do with them is entirely in your hands and you’re encouraged to get creative. This is exactly why you cannot contact WordPress customer service. There would be too many variables!

Why is open source preferred by many developers?

As you can imagine, open source WordPress is preferred by developers because it allows them to have greater control. Compared to WordPress competitors like SquareSpace or Shopify, which can be great for users who are not programmers, WordPress lets you examine source code and make edits wherever you’d like. Non-programmers can also enjoy the control WordPress offers by allowing for easy edits on the dashboard.

An additional perk to open source is that it is frequently updated by the community. With a non open source platform, you need to rely on the company itself to keep their system up to date.

A potential fallback of open source software is that there isn’t a team of support agents ready to take your call, but WordPress does have a support forum which can be found here:

If you find yourself needing more support on a regular basis, consider hiring a WordPress development company like BuildThis for consultation. We have fantastic hosting and maintenance packages that keep all of your questions answered. 

Questions? Reach out to us today!

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