How do I add a new Gravity Form?

February 17, 2020

  1. Login to the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. On the left hand navigation within the WordPress backend, hover over Forms and select New Form.
  3. In the popup, enter your Form Title & Description, then click Create Form.
  4. Follow the prompts within Gravity Forms to begin populating your form:
    • Simply click the type of field you want to add from the bank on the right hand side.
    • You can drag and drop your fields once they are added to your form to change the order
  5. To edit a single form field section, hover over the field & select the down arrow to expand all settings.
    • From here you can add a label, description, character limit, rules, or edits the appearance & advanced settings.
  6. To save your form, click Update on the right hand side, below the bank of fields.
  7. Navigate to Settings in the Forms Nav Bar (includes EditSettingsEntries, and Preview) to update form layout, button, restrictions & further options.
  8. Under Settings -> Confirmations you can edit the confirmation message a user receives when they complete the form or add any new confirmations.
  9. Under Settings -> Notifications you can edit the notifications that are sent to your internal team upon receiving an entry.

To add the new form to a page on your website:

  1. Navigate to the page you wish to edit in the WordPress backend.
  2. Add the text block element to a container
  3. Click Add Form at the top of the text box
  4. Select the form you wish to use
  5. Click Save within the Content Box when complete.
  6. Click Update on the edit page to save all updates.

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