Meet Mike Besenhofer, our “StickOutSpotlight” employee this month. We’ve asked him to answer some questions to get to know him and share what he brings to the team.
Q: What is your position at BuildThis?
A: Web Designer / HR
Q: When did you start at BuildThis?
A: August 2015
A: Columbia College Chicago
A: Web Development and Graphic Design
Q: How did you land at BuildThis?
A: I’ve been designing for a while now. Web development started in college, which was nice because at first everyone was lost looking at code in a text editor but I got really interested in creating something out of virtually nothing but letters.
Q: What’s your patronus?
A: Rattlesnake
Q: What inspires you?
A: All of the Designers and Developers I work with, learning or observing how they go about solving different problems.
Q: What do you like most about what you do at BuildThis?
A: The creativity and the challenges. Each day I do something new and learn something new.
Q: Summer, Winter, Fall or Spring?
A: Fall
Q: If I wasn’t a web designer I would be…
A: Well Laurie told me about a job in Dublin titled “Professional Cat Cuddler”. So, obviously that.
Q: Fun Fact!
A: When things get too stressful at work, you can find me at my zen garden.